
Monday, 14 March 2016

An Open Letter To jamb Registrar

May God Terminate my life, if I,Ademola Afrika #voice of jambites#, Will one day, at any place, by any means, consciously or unconsciously, by my action or inaction, hesitate to SPEAK the fact that your presence in JAMB's Office, has brought nothing but total regret, misfortune , misdirection , and/ or raised many eye brows.
In fact, truth be told Sir, Your tenure so far has remained more or less, Abysmal failure to JAMBITES (2016/17 Jambites specifically), Nigeria parents / guardians , Nigerians In particular and the world at large.
Mr Dibu, Look at the way you have just frustrated 2/3 of 2016 Admission seekers. You have made dunce and Ignoramuses out of many poor but Intelligent Nigerian 2016 admission seekers/ JAMBites, all in the name of your so called " marking scheme or whatever".
I am not against technological development or advancement!
Should I talk about how you began this year examination ?? Of course, you will agree with me that your direct or indirect decision to award 40 extra marks to few candidates after the examinations of 27th Feb, 29th Feb, 1st March and/ or 2nd March, in the first place, speaks volume of your purposeless, compromising , barbaric and Non-enhancing-academic-excellence led administration.
Why will a body like JAMB that serves as an examination struggle to university education go so early to coin questions from 2015 examination , when such questions are available via past questions and online practice. The Questions are still fresh ! , why not go to 1998 or even 2003 to coin questions or above all bring out new sets of questions to make the examination competitive and make our education standard.
This has never happened since the inception of JAMB. You have succeeded in exhibiting &selling your administrative incompetence before Nigerians, Africa & the globe in general. You and your cohorts cannot justify the reasons why many JAMBites are crying every moment, as they check their results.
The selected examination centers are not suitable for such examination , am i to enlarge technical or result issues that occurred at Island computer college, Meiran or Chris tower international school , ibafo , Ogun state , so many candidates complained of automatic log out by the system , absence of questions in some numbers and poor results of 8th march , 2015 not minding the fact that your on screen calculators are just of no use to us. So many centers will experience same issue but it still unknown to me .
God will judge you Mr Registrar! You and your caucus have made many Nigerian children to weep. Their parents/ guardians went through hardship to realise the exorbitant money for JAMB registration. Yet, You have allowed political, economic or whatever affiliation, becloud your sense of reasoning, consideration & academic excellence.
Sir, I must confess, You have disgraced Nigerians & posterity will hold you accountable for the demoralization, pain, misfortune, etc you have / is causing Nigerian admission seekers at the moment .
How can someone read all day & nights, follow up your so called new syllabus, pray, fast, sacrificed pleasures , etc, just for you to give such person 130, 170, 140 and many other incredible scores as result ! I am disappointed ! We are Disappointed in you.
Finally, Tell Nigerians & the world why Someone will be getting 20, 30, 40, marks in a subject he or she read thoroughly. You & your colleagues have have killed many Jambites joy this year, But God hasn't.
Am sure that admission seekers who are anyhow or somehow related to you do not experience any admission or examination stress , that could be the reason why you don't know how it feels or looks to patronize your board every year and be at home for a whole year
Mr Dibu , very courageous to say , your administration is biting out the dignity and excellent results the educational sector of our dear country is yielding.
A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking because her trust is not in the branch but in her own wings.
Your so called results is not the definition of our future because of our trust in God.
Remember sire...................
When a bird is alive it eats ant , when the bird is dead ....... Ants eat the bird .............
Time and circumstances can change at any time . don't devalue or hurt anyone in life. you may be powerful today but remember time is more powerful than you .
One tree makes a million match sticks !
Only one match stick is needed to burn a million trees !
So be good and do good ....

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