
Saturday, 12 March 2016

How Unilag Calculate Jamb and Post utme score For Admission

A popular thing that Unilag makes use of Utme score
combined with post Utme score to determines students
admission into its programmes but it’s not clear to many the
formular for the combination. In this post, I will quickly
explain how your jamb score can affect your admission into
Unilag makes use of Utme and post Utme scores equally, no
one is more used or considered over the other. It’s a 50:50
Utme score = 50 marks
Post Utme score = 50 marks.
Very Important br /> Unilag Post UTME Past Questions And Answers will help
you to pass the post utme very well. It is now available
and you can get yours on this website.
Now, you might want to say but Utme total score is always
400 marks? Yes, I know.
Unilag logic is like this; whatever you score over 400 in
Utme will be divided by 8 to get the equivalent over 50. In
order words, if you score 200/400 in Utme, your 200 will be
divided by 8 and that will give 25 marks in Utme. This
explains why the higher your jamb score the better your
Don’t forget that 400/8 = 50. Which is the total score for
Utme only.
To get this whole thing perfectly, divide your current Utme
score by 8 and whatever you get is your Utme score
Don’t forget I said that according to Unilag; Utme = 50
marks and post Utme = 50 marks.
In summary br /> Now I have analysed how the Utme 400 marks is rounded
up to 50 by Unilag and it’s simply by dividing the score by 8.
To read about how your Unilag post Utme & jamb Utme
score is calculated together to get your aggregate score
which will now determine whether you will gain admission
or not.

Harvested from myschoolnewz

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