JAMB Regularization : A victimization of polytechnic students. it is no longer news, that the marginalization of the HND and BSc has made the Nigerian polytechnic a nightmare to polytechnic students, Jambites, Masses and all Tertiary institution hopefuls. Like that ain't bad enough, JAMB came with a new strategy of Regularization, A plan/strategy that is meant to do nothing but frustrate, victimise, harden, complicate the life of polytechnic students who wishes to do a DE (direct entry) and has nothing but the Zeal and enthusiasm to obtain a BSc in his relevant field of study, in other not to be marginalized after the NYSC. Is it not bad enough that polytechnic students can hardly do a DE to schools like UI, UNILAG, UNILORIN, UNIBEN, BUK, ABU etc our self proclaimed gradeA universities, we didn't complain about that, Only students that have a minimum of Upper Credit can do DE, we didn't complain, so what are we now regularizing. The Regularization is said to be for students who didn't use JAMB to get Admission into their polytechnics, but this happens to be a blatant lie, because without paying for regularisation, you can't register for your DE, If Jamb claims we all ain't admitted by them, then I beg to differ, does Jamb admit students, does JAMB sell post UTME form, does JAMB has its own university? Or where was JAMB when UNILORIN conducted post UTME last year and 30,000 out of over 60000 that applied had 50% and above but UNILORIN still picked many of those who had below 50%, because they are well connected, indigenes and are also Muslim whereas many who had over 60% didn't get admission, Then should it be said that JAMB is complacent ? because there is virtually nothing our dear JAMB is regularizing, and this Regularization of a thing is nothing but another way to siphon money from parents and the masses, because that is all what jamb is all about, a way to siphon money from the masses and whereas before they start regularizing polytechnic students, they should regularize their Registrar Prof Dibu Ojerinde because JAMB is a National Cake not a personal cake, it's been over 8 year's sir, it's time to leave. Dear Nigerian Students, when other countries are finding ways to make education more easier, accessible and affordable for their citizens, it's a pity that our dear country Nigeria is doing the opposite, it's not easy making lower in a polytechnic, not to talk of upper credit or distinction, let us all come together and say no to this injustice and Victimization. In the spirit of Aluta, I hereby move this motion and put it in movement, SAY NO TO REGULARIZATION.
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